Micronwireless Ltd has developed MICRON Explorer 100 Series Radio Microphones with extra features and LCD displays. The legendary MICRON range of Radio Microphones has been extended with two new members of the Explorer 100 Series. The new body worn TX700B Transmitter and SDR550 Small true Diversity Receiver feature an LCD for easy setting of frequency, Pilot Tone and a signal-level Squelch facility. The new Explorers offer different methods of frequency selection over a 32MHz band to suit each customer: 1. Continuous coverage in 25KHz steps, 2. Pre-set channels chosen to give minimum inter-modulation interference in multi-channel use, 3. Up to 100 user-defined pre-set frequencies, 4. Alternatively, as a factory option, a group of up to 16 fixed customer-defined channels. The new products retain the usual MICRON features of bullet-proof microphone input limiter, MICRON companding system, transmitter battery warning, solid mechanical construction and easy, reliable battery management. A full range of high quality cables, antennas and accessories is available. The new TX700B and SDR550 are able to operate at UHF in 32MHz bands, anywhere from 450 to 865 MHz.